Pop Psych-Pop Shows

Photo story: Prom Queen, Von Wildenhaus, Drippy Baby

December 21st, 2018: Clock-Out Lounge

Photo story: Prom Queen, Von Wildenhaus, Drippy Baby December 24, 2018

Tiffany Leslie is new to Seattle. She is working on building her portfolio to further her photography career. When she isn't planning a revolution or drinking coffee, she can be found petting the neighborhood cats.

Prom Queen’s Celene Ramadan. // Photo by Tiffany Leslie
On Friday, Prom Queen, Von Wildenhaus, and Drippy Baby took the stage at Clock-Out Lounge. Headliner Prom Queen infused the winter equinox with summer with its surf-pop vibes, and Von Wildenhaus and Drippy Baby were not far behind with their guitar-noir and psych-pop, respectively. Click through our photo gallery to feel the warm weather coming.

The night opened with local queer, psych-pop band, Drippy Baby, a project of Michael Lee.
Drippy Baby got its start earlier this year and will be releasing new music in the spring or summer of 2019.
Von Wildenhaus took the stage next. The group's interesting "guitar noir" and international balladry caught the audience’s attention.
Ben Von Wildenhaus founded the band in New York. They then moved to Seattle and released II in 2015. 
Andru Creature on drums for Von Wildenhaus
Lead singer Amanda Bloom’s inciting vocals captivated the audience.

Von Wildenhaus closed its set with "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas," to spread some holiday cheer.

Headlining act Prom Queen is a surf-rock group from Seattle. Front woman, Celene Ramadan.
Jon Sampson playing the saxophone for Prom Queen. He also plays sax for Von Wildenhaus. 

Prom Queen has a unique, 50’s-inspired aesthetic that paradoxically combines with emotional lyrics about modern day angst.

The band's most recent album, Doom-Wop, came out in September 2017.
Caleb Thompson recently started playing bass for Prom Queen and Von Wildenhaus.

The set came to a close with a new single, "Wintertime Love," originally by The Doors, that came out just in time for the holidays.


Tiffany Leslie is new to Seattle. She is working on building her portfolio to further her photography career. When she isn't planning a revolution or drinking coffee, she can be found petting the neighborhood cats.